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Youtube- Snowman Story/ Song

Today I came across a cute little Youtube video/ Song about snowman. This is something that students will enjoy for a relaxing break as well as give teachers a breather moment. Check it out below at You Tube-Snowman.

<pYou Tube Snowman

Happy SMARTboarding, 

Boardmaker Snow Poem

Today I have incorporated boardmaker into Activ Inspire along with the help of my mom (she is an SLP).  We have taken a short winter poem and used boardmaker to represent it. I have then put the poem into Activ Inspire.  Here is a description of the pages and how I like to implement these poems.

1. Title page- I either give the children pictures from image gallery or let them draw a picture to make the title. 

2. This is the full poem hidden under a draw screen. CLick on top grey circle and drag down. The poem will slowly be exposed. YOu can also get rid of the drag screen by clicking up on the icon on the top toolbar.

3. The next pages each have one line of the poem and I have the children add pictures to go with each line. 

We go over the poem each day and add some actions. The students love this.

Click below on Snow Poem.

Snowm Poem 

Happy PROmethean boarding, 

January Calendar

It’s almost time to head back to school! In preparation I have created a few key circle time activities. Today I am posting a January attendance. Students can move all the names of the week, month extra. As well the second page has blue squares with winter symbols under them. Students can move the squares and the symbols will appear. Great for a start to a winter theme!

Click below on January Calendar

January Calendar

Happy SMARTboarding